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Designing PCBs for the Internet of Things

1683 13 Apr 15.2019, 11:02:03
Introduction:IoT is expected to grow to the rate of $772.5 spent by 2018, with a total increase of 14.6% from the amount spent in 2017. By 2020, annual revenues could exceed $450 for IoT vendors and these figures are expected to keep on growing over time. Today’s market demands implementation of IoT in nearly all electronic products. IoT is helping innovators to invent new tech devices all aiming to appeal to the consumer; the possibilities with IoT are limitless. IoT devices are not simple; they are a combination of distinct components, interfaces, PCBs and electrical circuits each with a unique design and layout and equal challenges. For modern IoT designs, we require a PCB design environment with advanced functionality. In this article we will discuss the various aspects and critical points to consider when designing PCBs for the Internet of Things.1: IoT DomainsAnalog & Digital: Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) are used in IoT designing to process, store and transmit analog sig...

Factors that cause poor PCB soldering

1625 7 Apr 01.2019, 15:13:31
The factors causing poor PCB board welding are mainly from the two aspects of the circuit board factory and the patch factory.1. Storage environment and transportation: This is the middle link between the circuit board factory and the patch factory. Generally, the circuit board rarely appears in stock, but the general inventory requires the storage environment to have suitable dry humidity, complete packaging, and lightest in the transportation process. Take it lightly and do not allow the vacuum packaging to be damaged for a long time. The theoretical time of the tin plate is one month, but the best time for soldering is 48 hours. If the storage time is more than one month, it is recommended to return to the circuit board factory for special use. The potion is cleaned and baked. Baking plate parameters 150 °, 1 hour.2. The operation at the time of shipment is not in accordance with the operation specification: the line industry is a workshop environment, and the staff's standard opera...