Add a payment method for Argentina
Dec 30.2019, 09:02:13
Hello, my name is Valentino and I would like to present an article, not as a complaint but as a contribution to PCBGogo.
My article deals with the problems that Argentina has to pay companies from other countries for their services, not for the cost, but for the methods. Someone who has a credit card can pay quietly, but those who do not have, as is my case and we look for a more "local" way to pay, we do not have it, and this applies to all countries, in Argentina the indistria is very Decayed, and we have to look for professional services in other countries, but as in my case I don't have a credit card, or a paypal, or a bank account, I find it very difficult to pay for the service, because I have to ask for a card borrowed or other things beyond my power.
I would like you to add payment methods such as Rapipago or Pagofacil that are physical payment methods, here in Argentina you are going to a Kiosk or to a particular place and with a code you can pay a certain product, as in Merca...