ATtiny DiagnoSI
Mar 07.2016, 21:42:49
DiagnoSI Energy Monitor
cardBuy saturday, delivery thuesday(in france), very fast, very good service :) i recommend PCBGOGO!1703 0 Mar 04.2016, 17:08:36
Three different boards for Arduino projectBecause of delivery it was more cost effective for me to get DHL and get all delivered as a single package. The three boards are used in my "robo-clock" project but will also be very useful for many Arduino projects in the future. One allows easy and convenient connections to a 12 bit DAC and audio amplifier via SPI interface. The second board is a general purpose "bus board" that allows me to make multiple SPI and/or I2C connections to a single project. It also has a RTC1307 and SD card breakout connection built in. The third board is a breakout for 2 MCP23S17 I/O expanders organized nicely for RGB leds but not restricted to any single type of use.1563 0 Feb 29.2016, 14:09:27
Mosfet Dimmer MultichannelMain Processor used is an Atmega2560 that again controls 10 Tiny85's. The dimmer circuit is based around a BUZ41A mosfet controlled with PWM. the PWM is timed with a zero detection circuit to ensure that LED's dim without flicker. This dimmer can dim all electronic transformers and LED bulbs. Max 200W pr channel. Everything is controlled through a WizNet W5100 based ethernet controller. A smartphone app and desktop app is made to control it.2657 0 Feb 25.2016, 18:22:07
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