Arduino PCB
Jan 31.2018, 14:46:56
2 layer PCB to test functionalities of arduino microcontroller

Whitecat ESP32 LORA GATEWAYThe Whitecat ESP32 LORA GATEWAY is a mother board designed for the well-know IC880A LoRa WAN concentrator. The board is based on the ESP32 PICO D4 and integrates and USB to UART bridge, Ethernet, an Power Over Ethernet. Inside the ESP32 PICO D4 runs the Lua RTOS operating system and the Semtech Packet Forwarder software.6461 0 Jan 26.2018, 08:49:23
DryMachine PCBThis is not aproject, we use this controls to all Argentina dry machines.4681 0 Jan 25.2018, 09:59:05
nodeMCU Slave BoardESP8266 based slave board for controlling power supply based on a central control unit.4481 0 Jan 24.2018, 22:48:25
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