Deagostini Millennium Falcon Controller
Jan 12.2018, 01:00:37
Custom PCB for an Arduino Mega shield for controlling the bespoke lighting and sound of my Deagostini Millennium Falcon model. Lights, sounds and ramp control are all independently controllable from phone application.

Speeduino engine managementECU project6506 0 Jan 11.2018, 20:50:06
DC IDE extensionIDE extender for better fitting of a 2.5" hdd within a DC, as a noobie project I'm learning a lot from, it's unfinished and I'm quite disappointed with my design, but the quality of the pcbs is ridiculously good3238 0 Jan 09.2018, 11:44:14
TouchArtA PCB-bluetooth is needed for music education.4266 0 Dec 30.2017, 05:51:32
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Sep 24.2023, 21:54:58
Are you selling these boards? I am interested if so.wesoly0209@gmail.com.
Thank you

Dec 16.2020, 15:47:15
Are you selling these boards? I am interested if so.
Thank you

Jul 06.2020, 23:10:03
Hi , i'm interrested by the pcb for my falcon . Have you some pcb yet. Thanks