Level shifter test board
Dec 02.2017, 21:05:36
Test board, intended for 3.3v <-> 5v bidirectional level shifting.

Switching regulator test boardI had these test boards made for testing MP1584 based 5V step down regulator. The plan is to embed this circuit in future projects.4693 0 Dec 02.2017, 18:21:10
Arduino Mega2560 barebones.... but Cute and Sexy.Arduino Mega2560 goes bare and sexy with on-board biasing to upload sketch and extracted port for bootloader. Pin mapping names explicitly indicated and cleverly tight yet readable. The board cute size of only 41x38mm at 6mil minimum and 10mil for power lines. The board layout may be tight but pads are clean and neat. Simply great board manufacturing process. This is my first board done here and 2 more in the manufacturing process and another one coming - the main outside world connectivity board. Anyone want to request for ATmel Atmega2560 pin map just message me.Thank you PCBGOGO job well done.3401 0 Nov 12.2017, 20:49:51
BB-8 Controller PCBBB-8 Droid Controller4840 0 Nov 10.2017, 05:11:06
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