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Nixie clock projectThis nixie-clock uses 12 tubes, which will show/alternate date and time. Tubes are mounted on separate boards, using slot connectors. Most components are SMD.6010 0 Mar 04.2018, 19:31:39
Nixie clockOngoing Nixie clock projekt, with 12 tubes (IN-8-2 and IN-16). These are tube slot cards, intended to be mounted on a vertical standing PCB. Anode resistors (0805, rated 150V) are mounted on the bottom layer of the boards. The main board is on the way, looking forward to get this going !4615 0 Feb 08.2018, 06:03:21
5V buck converterACT4088 based 5V buck converter. Had these made for testing purposes, and will use it for future projects.6603 1 Dec 08.2017, 06:11:37
Level shifter test boardTest board, intended for 3.3v <-> 5v bidirectional level shifting.5561 0 Dec 02.2017, 21:05:36
Switching regulator test boardI had these test boards made for testing MP1584 based 5V step down regulator. The plan is to embed this circuit in future projects.4704 0 Dec 02.2017, 18:21:10
IN-14 Nixie tube breakout boardThese are breakout boards for my Nixie-clock project. In addition to be a part of the clock, they also serve as breadboard connectors when I do the mockup. This is my first ever PCB's, and from what I can say, the quality is superb. Looking forward to get the main board.. thank you PcbGoGo !6780 0 Oct 28.2017, 18:19:39