Gas Station LED Price controller with RS485 and RTC - PIC32 uController
Jul 31.2018, 08:00:53
This project is used to control very large 7 segment displays used in gas stations. It uses RS485 to communicate and sends out the display data using an RJ45 connector to directly interface and control the standard 4, 5 and 6 digit LED driver boards available on Ali Express. It also uses a DS3231 RTC module for time and temp.
PCBGoGo did a bang up job on the boards and stencil, making this project a pleasure to make, working on the first power up. Highly recommended!!! I will continue to use them for many more projects.

Elevator VoicerPcb that generate soundsfor elevator.4159 0 Jul 28.2018, 02:37:38
12 cells Lipo Monitor and BalancerMonitor and balance up to twelve cells of lithium polyumer accu using a LTC6803-3 - Balance each cell with 300mA current. - SPI Interface is galvanically separated. Can be used with 3,3V and 5V. - High cell voltage accuracy made by the LTC6803-3 Double sided PCB was made bei PCBgogo in very good quality. Also the LTC6803-3 was orderd and fit on the PCB by PCBgogo. Very good job. Thanks. Marc Wapelhorst6884 0 Jul 25.2018, 18:36:46
Bee scale NB-IoTThis is scale that measures hive weight and send over GSM NB link2528 0 Jul 18.2018, 01:18:06
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